International experience and passion to the business turned us into well-recognized brand and maintains our leading position amongst the competitors.
International experience and passion to the business turned us into well-recognized brand and maintains our leading position amongst the competitors.
Relationships built on the trust and the transparency enable finding solutions in any situation.
We develop innovational products of the highest quality, which meets all ethical requirements and fits the city perfectly.
Since 1999 one of the main JCDecaux Group goals are sustainable development extension and promotion.
Today JCDecaux Group continues being proactive in development of modern cities, transportation companies, airports, advertisers and advertising intermediaries in means of city landscape improvement.
JCDecaux goes out of its way to optimise the use of natural resources; pays particular attention to the choice of its suppliers on the basis of the Group’s economic as well as qualitative, environmental or ethical values; encourages its employees to adopt responsible, eco-friendly gestures; a number of initiatives are currently being evaluated with a view to expanding the range of environmentally friendly products and services made available by the Group for its employees.
To reflect the Group's commitment to pursue an economic development respectful of people and the environment, the corporate Sustainable Development Direction was created in 2007. The continued involvement of JCDecaux's teams on these challenges underlines the Group's dedication to fulfil its global corporate responsibility engagements. To obtain more related information see our engagement.
Кодекс поведения поставщиков JCDecaux. Кодекс определяет принципы, которые все поставщики, работающие с JCDecaux, должны соблюдать в своей коммерческой деятельности во всем мире. Это часть подхода JCDecaux Group к устойчивому развитию.
RTS Perekrestok company was founded.
Within tender of Almaty the first stopping complex is established (close to the biggest toy store Detskiy Mir).
RTS Perekrestok company purchases Tur company and its bus stop complexes.
RTS Perekrestok company opens branch in the city of Astana.
RTS Perekrestok company begins expansion over regions of Kazakhstan.
In June JCDecaux enters Kazakhstani market through purchasing 50% share of JS RTSDecaux - the owner of largest stop complexes network within the country. The new company was called RTSDecaux. In November of the same year RTSDecaux starts replacement of existing bus stops with street furniture of the European design and standards. In a year 25 stop complexes have been installed. In addition, in 2007 exclusive agreement on advertising on MEGA shopping centers territory (Almaty, Astana, Shymkent) was signed.
The RTSDecaux company signed 25 years contract with Akimat of Astana on street furniture establishment. Installation of stopping complexes and city information panels (MUPI) from the famous designer Norman Foster began.
RTSDecaux installs the first scrollers in Kazakhstan.
"RTS Decaux" received a loan of 19 million U.S. dollars for the development of street furniture infrastructure in Nur-Sultan and Almaty from the EBRD.
In Almaty, the installation of bus stops and city information panels by famous designer Norman Foster continued.
RTSDecaux starts offering new format of outdoor advertisement to clients.
Full early repayment of the balance of credit debt to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development under loan agreements for the total amount of USD 19 million.
In 1964, Jean-Claude Decaux invented the concept of Street Furniture, combining public services with advertising. Lyon was the first French city (with a population of over 100,000) to benefit from the installation of free bus shelters.
Decaux becomes a holder of the Treaty of Paris (on 1 500 bus stops), turning across the country outdoor furniture companies in shop Windows. Does a new product: dashboard City-Light (sitiformat)
JCDecaux introduces the concept of seven-day promotion and advertising networks-key innovations in marketing and advertising. Was also invented by the urban signage and entertainment information and service panels (PISA)
JCDecaux invents "Infobus," a system providing users with real-time information about waiting times before the next bus.
In 1980, the first automatic toilets are installed in Paris. At the end of December 2004, JCDecaux boasted 2,292 toilets worldwide, and a total of almost 255 million flushes.
Murano bus stop, the first bus stop designed by JCDecaux employees, was put into operation. The design of outdoor furniture has become one of the strengths of the Group of companies: since 1992, 170 international designers and architects, including Norman foster, Philip Cox and Patrick Jouin, cooperate with the company.
For the first time, digital displays are installed in the Vienna metro. To date, the Group of Companies has more than 12,000 displays worldwide in the metro, airports, shopping centers, as well as in the cities of Chicago and Sao Paulo, in which JCDecaux won competitions for the placement of outdoor furniture
JCDecaux acquires the company Avenir and starts working in two new countries in new directions: billboards and advertising on public transport. Along with the placement of outdoor furniture, these three segments are the main directions of the Group of Companies
JCDecaux places shares on the stock exchange for the first time and establishes a Supervisory Board chaired by Jean-Claude Decaux, as well as an Executive Board chaired by Jean-françois and Jean-Charles Decaux
The company appears JCDecaux in the United Kingdom, where he was engaged in artistic design, technical development and promotions for special events. By the end of 2013, 50 countries had established their own innovation development departments.
The group of Companies is becoming a leader in outdoor advertising in China. The beginning of distribution of activity in the developing markets is put: in the countries of Latin America, in the middle East, in India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Africa, etc
- 2007 год
As a follow-up to the Velo's Bicycle rental project in Lyon, JCDecaux is installing 20,600 bicycles in Paris, thus creating the largest bike rental system in the world. By 2013, the Group had placed 47,000 public bicycles in 69 cities around the world.
In February, JCDecaux becomes the world leader in the field of outdoor advertising. In July, Airoports de Paris and JCDecaux set up the JCDecaux Airport Paris company, which places innovative premium advertising with the possibility of digital positioning. At the end of November, the Group of Companies acquires MediaKiosk
In November 2004, JCDecaux won the first street furniture contract in Japan and installed 500 bus shelters with advertising panels in Yokohama.
JCDecaux is the first Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 initiative, promoting its commitment to the climate and renewable energies